X2: X-Men United
New and old members of the RRP crew unite their super reviewing powers to perceive if X2 is still X-treme!
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In this Episode:
- 00:06:25 ROUNDTABLE: We play the TV spot for X2 and give an overview of the technical specs of this super hero film
- 00:09:32 LIKES: The aspects of this X-men film that is still X-cellent!
- 00:35:13 TRIVIA & SOCIALIZE: Trivia from and feedback on X2: X-Men United from our listeners via Facebook Group, Twitter, and Instagram
- 00:50:35 DISLIKES: Elements of this super hero team movie that didn't even hold up to the 90s cartoon
- 01:25:32 FINAL RATING: Nostalgic (Disputed)
- 01:36:13 FEEDBACK & ANNOUNCEMENTS: Show announcements, and how to contact us
🎬 X2: X-Men United Technicals, Cast, and Crew
- Released: May 2, 2003
- Runs: 2h 14m
- Rated: PG-13
- Directed by: Bryan Singer
- Written by: Zak Penn, David Hayter, Bryan Singer
- With the lead stars being: Patrick Stewart, Hugh Jackman, Halle Berry
- And Music composed by: John Ottman
- X2: X-men United was made for about $120 Million and earned over $440 Million at the box office.