The Iron Giant
There's a new guest aboard the Pod, and he is out of this world... No it's not the Giant, but rather artist/designer Collin Schlicht joins us to talk likes and dislikes of 1999's The Iron Giant.
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In this Episode:
- 00:03:12 ROUNDTABLE: We play the TV spot for The Iron Giant and give an overview of the technical specs of this Brad Bird film
- 00:09:27 LIKES: The aspects of this animated feature that were a giant success
- 00:32:57 SOCIALIZE: Feedback on The Iron Giant from our listeners via Facebook Group, Twitter, and Instagram
- 00:36:30 DISLIKES: Elements of this adventure that seemed to have a screw loose
- 00:56:57 FINAL RATING: Classic (Unanimous)
- 01:01:04 FEEDBACK & ANNOUNCEMENTS: Show announcements, and how to contact us