The Chipmunk Adventure
We travel to exotic animated locations on a highly musical adventure, in a search for diamond dolls a.k.a. what we liked and disliked about 1987's The Chipmunk Adventure. And in his first time aboard, Tim Nydell from Saturday Morning Rewind joins us to review the film.
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In this Episode:
- 00:03:00 ROUNDTABLE: We play the TV spot for The Chipmunk Adventure and give an overview of the technical specs of this film
- 00:10:42 LIKES: The aspects of this animated feature that was really rockin' and rollin'
- 00:27:50 SOCIALIZE: Feedback on The Chipmunk Adventure from our listeners via Facebook Group, Twitter, and Instagram
- 00:30:30 DISLIKES: Elements of this big screen movie that should have been left on the small screen and had us metaphorically shouting "ALVIN!"
- 00:48:34 FINAL RATING: Classic (Disputed)
- 00:51:59 FEEDBACK & ANNOUNCEMENTS: Show announcements, and how to contact us