Return to Oz
We aren't sure about returning to Return to Oz but this is where the last riddle pointed. Listen to find out if we think it was worth the trip.
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🎙 In this Episode:
- 00:05:25 ROUNDTABLE: We play the TV spot for and give an overview of the technical specs of this film
- 00:11:50 LIKES: The aspects of this Oz film that is still pretty great and powerful
- 00:35:17 TRIVIA & SOCIALIZE: Trivia from and feedback on Return to Oz, from our listeners via Facebook Group, Twitter, and Instagram
- 00:41:24 DISLIKES: Elements of this movie that we never want to return to.
- 01:15:15 FINAL RATING: Nostalgic (Disputed)
- 01:25:41 FEEDBACK & ANNOUNCEMENTS: Show announcements, and how to contact us
🎬 Return to Oz Technicals, Cast, and Crew
- Released: June 21, 1985
- Runs: 1h 53m
- Rated: PG
- Directed by: Walter Murch
- Written by: Walter Murch, Gill Dennis, based on the books by
L. Frank Baum - With the lead stars being: Fairuza Balk, Nicol Williamson, Jean Marsh
- And Music composed by: David Shire
- Return of Oz was made for about $25 Million and earned just over $10 Million at the box office.