
We grease up our chrono-gears to head back to a 1978 film, set in 1959, where the T-Birds and the Pinks make school cool...or so the marketing would have us believe. Listen to what the RRP crew has to teach you about Grease.

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In this Episode:

  • 00:03:54 ROUNDTABLE: We play the TV spot for Grease and give an overview of the technical specs of this musical
  • 00:10:38 LIKES: The aspects of Travolta film that had us singing
  • 00:28:35 SOCIALIZE: Feedback on Grease from our listeners via Facebook Group, Twitter, and Instagram
  • 00:31:16 DISLIKES: Elements of this romance movie which turned out to break our hearts
  • 00:59:25 FINAL RATING: Nostalgic (Disputed)
  • 01:05:04 FEEDBACK & ANNOUNCEMENTS: Show announcements, and how to contact us