Bonus Stage: Frailty Spiritual Speculation

Enjoy this special public release of the Spiritual Speculation usually reserved for our supporters (Reflux Capacitors), this time Dustin, James, and Nathan dive into the spiritual elements of Frailty.

Bonus Stage: Frailty Spiritual Speculation
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Topics include:

  • What if fundamentalist Hindus are right?
  • What if we believe we are given a special revelation or called to a role which seems to oppose general revelation, or common morals? (Paul gets on his Rahab train again 😅)
  • How do we try to put God and his creation in a box, and when do we become demonic?
  • How do Christians deal with those who believe they are possessed by a demon?
  • Will the day of the Lord be the worst day like Call of Cthulu or the best day when all is made right?
  • What good can come from horror movies?
  • What does fear of God mean?
  • Why did God make demons anyway if we do enough evil ourselves as fallen humans?
  • Would God ever tell me to sin?