By Francisco X Ruiz in Content Collections — 01 Jan 2010 Batman Collection Check out all the content we have covered featuring movies and games in the Batman franchise!
podcast Batman: The Movie Several of the Culture Box gents join us for our bat-tastic review of 1966's Batman iteration!
podcast Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker Even in the future Gotham is getting a wedgy. And the RRP crew decides if it's best for Joker or do it, or if Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker is worth saving today.
podcast Batman Begins It's not about who we are, but the reviews we give that define us...ok not really; not just anyone can review Batman Begins like the RRP Crew.
podcast Batman Returns We head back to Tim Burton's Gotham for the return of the dark knight! Listen to the RRP crew take on Batman, Catwoman, and Penguin.